I am always looking for ways to speed up and improve the accuracy of my software project Function Point counts. So I put together a utility that helps create an inventory of user interaction elements on an existing web page. Just paste the html and it creates a readable table: I call it webassist, please Read More
The 7 Wastes of Software Development Process Partially done work Delays Handoffs Extra features Re-learning Task switchting Defects Eighth waste: Loss of human creativity. The most important waste in product development is poor communication Scatter Communications barriers Poor tools Hand offs Useless information Waiting Wishful thinking Testing to specification Discarding the know how “Lean Product Read More
Learn as quickly as possible how to make and deliver products that consumers consider to be of value Lean Product and Process Development, Allen C Ward 2007
I recently stumbled across a presentation about Lean and Agile by Grant Rule, from which I found the following: Principles of Lean Consumption Solve my problems completely Don’t waste my time Provide exactly what I want Deliver value where I want it Supply value when I want it Reduce the number of decisions I must make Read More
inFood – Using public data to uncover nutrition secrets Comparing food products by looking at the package information is a bit harder than it might seem Background Everyone’s talking Big Data, Hadoop, Data Warehouses, Business Intelligence and AI, but what it is all about really? I have managed IT projects in this field (successfully) but Read More